electrical system

5 Things New Jersey Homeowners Should Understand About Their Electrical Systems

There are around 51,000 electrical fires in the United States each year. If you want to avoid having an electrical fire in your home, every homeowner should be familiar with their electrical systems.

But what are the most important things that they should focus on? Keep reading to learn all you need to know about your electrical system. 

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4 Benefits of Installing EV Charging at Your NJ Airbnb

In 2021, consumers bought 6.6 million electric cars. There’s no denying that electric cars are on the rise, and you still have time to get ahead of the trend. 

If you’re renting out an Airbnb in NJ, you can actually attract more guests by having EV charging stations at your listing. But, what are some of the other benefits? Keep reading to discover why you should have eco-friendly rental homes. 

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5 Major Benefits to Having an EV Charger at Your Workplace

With so many people now using an EV charger when out and about, it should come as no surprise that companies are starting to see their benefits. Though, do you understand how they could help your organization?

The following five items are ways in which installing an electric vehicle charger could improve your workplace and help you save money. By the end of the article, you should be able to form a well-researched argument about why an EV charger should appear in your employee car park.

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What Causes Commercial Circuit Breakers to Trip?

Circuit breakers are an essential safety feature in both homes and commercial buildings in New Jersey.

If any part of an electrical system has too much energy flowing through it, breakers are going to kill the power. This means peace of mind for everyone inside, but it can be a hassle to get them turned on and kept on if they do trip.

That’s why being able to answer the question, “Why do circuit breakers trip?” is so essential. Read on to learn four of the most common causes.

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The Value of EV Chargers in Parking Garages

An electric vehicle (EV) can take you virtually anywhere you need to go, depending on your vehicle, battery range, and the chargers’ availability to support your energy consumption needs. That’s why the locations of charging stations have become such a hot topic. It’s also why EV charging stations in parking garages have become more popular.

With a parking garage, you can offer parking solutions to tenants, shoppers, and other visitors to the area. This EV charging solution is just one more way to attract more customers and visitors to the area, which is beneficial to your profit margin and the other businesses in the area.

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How Electric Chargers for Cars Are Beneficial in Parking Lots

More than 80 percent of electric vehicles get charged at home or work. The combination of location and time makes that convenient for most people, but as more public charging stations become available, charging while running errands could become the norm.

In particular, parking lots at shopping centers prove ideal locations for public charging stations. They’re convenient, well-lit, and highly trafficked places, making them safe spots to park and charge. Here are a few of the benefits you might expect if you decide to add chargers to your commercial property.

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4 Tips Every New EV Owner Should Know

Buying your first electric vehicle is nothing but exciting, however, it can be stressful if you’re not careful. There are a lot of additional things you’ll need to think about that just don’t apply to the fuel-driven cars we’ve all had for years. With that in mind, here are the top four tips that every new EV owner needs to know about.

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FAQs and All You Need to Know About Whole House Generators

With power outages rising in the  U.S., electricity customers are experiencing increased power interruptions due to several factors. Thus, you might be wondering whether purchasing a whole house generator is the solution to this problem. Keep reading for our answers to the most common questions about whole house generators and how they can get you through tough times. 

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