How Electric Chargers for Cars Are Beneficial in Parking Lots

More than 80 percent of electric vehicles get charged at home or work. The combination of location and time makes that convenient for most people, but as more public charging stations become available, charging while running errands could become the norm.

In particular, parking lots at shopping centers prove ideal locations for public charging stations. They’re convenient, well-lit, and highly trafficked places, making them safe spots to park and charge. Here are a few of the benefits you might expect if you decide to add chargers to your commercial property.

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4 Tips Every New EV Owner Should Know

Buying your first electric vehicle is nothing but exciting, however, it can be stressful if you’re not careful. There are a lot of additional things you’ll need to think about that just don’t apply to the fuel-driven cars we’ve all had for years. With that in mind, here are the top four tips that every new EV owner needs to know about.

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FAQs and All You Need to Know About Whole House Generators

With power outages rising in the  U.S., electricity customers are experiencing increased power interruptions due to several factors. Thus, you might be wondering whether purchasing a whole house generator is the solution to this problem. Keep reading for our answers to the most common questions about whole house generators and how they can get you through tough times. 

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whole house generator, storm

Be Prepared During A Storm with a Whole House Generator

The next storm will be here before you know it. While the weather patterns may vary in your area, hurricane season is from June through November, New Jersey’s snow season starts in October, and thunderstorms can occur all throughout the year. While most storms pass over without much impact, big storms happen more than you may realize. So, it’s important to take precautions and be ready with a whole house generator.

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Electric Car Charging in Multi-Family Dwellings

More than 240,000 fully electric vehicles (EVs) were sold in the United States in 2020, a jump of about 237% from only five years prior. With increases in gas prices and ongoing EV innovations, there is no reason to think this trend will be slowing anytime soon.

This means an increase in demand for EV car charging infrastructure. If you are a property manager, you know that the availability of charging electric cars is something that tenants have come to expect. If you are considering installation, you may not know where to start.

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What To Know About The PSE&G Electric Vehicle Charging Rebate Program

New Jersey sits dead last when it comes to the ratio of public chargers to cars. The state has 41 electric vehicles for every charger, far below the national average of 14.6 to 1 and trailing the 49th state, California at 27 to 1. For most EV owners, charging is a top-of-mind issue in the state. No one wants to get stuck five miles from home with no way to power their electric car. This makes an EV home charger installation a very appealing idea. 

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built in home generator, fuel, electrical, house, best, power, installation, help

4 Reasons to Get a Whole House Generator

In 2020, the number of blackouts across the USA jumped by nearly three quarters. Much of the impact of these could have been avoided, or mitigated, through the use of a whole house generator that could keep the home running. Though, not everyone is yet convinced of how effective they are.

Below we have listed four reasons why a whole house generator is a good idea for your home, as well as that of your neighbors and the entire community. By the end, you should be able to talk about generator installation from a position of knowledge.

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