Why You Shouldn’t Neglect Fire Extinguisher Maintenance

Did you know there are more than 370,000 building fires in the United States every year? These cause more than 2,000 deaths and upwards of 12,000 injuries, not to mention billions of dollars in property loss.

Fire security should be an important component of your safety regimen. While most people stay on top of fire detectors, they fail to ensure that fire extinguishers are functioning properly. This is unfortunate, as extinguishers are a safe and effective means of putting out a fire in the home or business.

The good news is that implementing fire extinguisher maintenance requires very little time and effort. The information below goes over the reasons you should perform regular checkups and how to do so. Keep reading to find out how to keep your home or business safe in the event of a fire.

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Breaking Down the Components of an EV Charger

While electric vehicles are far from the norm, they’re more popular than ever before. In fact, EV registrations rose by 60% in 2022, which means that people are beginning to take advantage of their environmental and economic benefits.

Those looking to make the switch will require electric vehicle charger installation. Read on to learn the components of an EV charger and how you can get one for your home.

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permits for electrical work

Do I Need a Permit for Electrical Work in New Jersey?

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, there were almost 25k fires attributed to electrical failure across the country in 2020. It is important to ensure that your electrical systems are installed correctly to prevent such dangers from occurring. For that reason, a lot of electrical work in many states must be the subject of an electrical work permit.

So, does this apply to New Jersey? This article aims to answer questions about the scope of electrical work permits in the state. By the end, you should have enough information to be able to plan for any future electrical work in your home.

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electrical outlet

Electrical Safety Tips for Homeowners and Business Owners

Are you aware that 1,000 people die every year due to electrical problems? As if that wasn’t bad enough, around 20% of electrical injuries are suffered by children.

Whether you’re at home or at work, there’s no reason you should feel unsafe. As a homeowner or business manager, it’s important to ensure that everyone under your roof is protected. The good news is that there are plenty of precautions you can take.

Are you worried about putting someone in danger? Keep reading to learn about the five electrical safety tips for businesses and homeowners.

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The Top 5 Generator Maintenance Tips in Winter

Did you know that 22 percent of power outages from 2000 to 2021 were winter-weather-related?

When it comes to generator maintenance, it’s important to keep up with things before problems arise, otherwise you’re going to end up out of luck and out of power when you need it the most. Luckily, we’re here to help you get started.

Read on to learn five of the best generator maintenance tips to help you get geared up for winter.

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commercial generator installation

A Guide to Commercial Generator Installation

These days, commercial generator sales are higher than ever before. These sales are projected to increase by 5.8% by the year 2027! It’s easy to see why businesses are interested in commercial generator installation. These generators save lives and money and keep everyone, from your employees to customers, happy and comfortable. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about commercial generators.

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ev charger, electric vehicle, ev charing times, winter

Does Cold Weather Affect EV Charging Times?

Did you know that electric vehicle batteries comprise 40% of the car’s total value? The lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles are specialized to deliver enough electrical output to prolong a vehicle’s driving range. While early electric vehicle models were not designed for long road trips, the times are changing, and some models can push 250 to 300 miles with ease. 

Now that winter is here, you might have noticed an increase in charging times. How does the colder weather impact your EV charge? 

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Are Building Fires Common in Winter?

Did you know that you can acquire a $5,000 fine in New Jersey for disabling a fire alarm? Even failing to install a fire alarm or detection device can cost you thousands. 

A fire alarm is a simple and effective device that, if used correctly, can detect fires early on and help you and others safely leave the building. In the winter, furnaces and fireplaces are frequently used to stay warm, but they could pose a greater risk than you may think. 

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